10 Christian Movies and Shows on Amazon Prime Video You Shouldn’t Miss (My Late-Night Binge-Watching Confessions)

1. The Chosen (2017–Present) – The Show That Made Me Care About Fishing

Search terms: “Is The Chosen biblically accurate?” “Where to watch The Chosen”

I’ll admit it: I rolled my eyes when my pastor called this “the Game of Thrones of Christian media.” But three episodes in, I was Googling “do real shepherds carry lambs like that?” and texting my small group about Nicodemus’ glow-up.

Why It Works: Creator Dallas Jenkins humanizes the disciples like your college roommate group chat. Ever wondered what Peter’s Tinder bio would say? This show nails it.
Watch If: You’ve ever thought, “The Bible needs more dad jokes.”
Skip If: You’re allergic to cliffhangers (Season 3’s ending had me screaming like a youth group kid at a Skillet concert).


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